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Jump Start Your Lead Generation
RISMEDIA, Friday, February 24, 2017— Ideally, you'll generate more than 40 percent of your leads for the year by the end of quarter one, March 31. Your motivation is high, you're focused on achieving your goals for the year and some of your clients may be thinking of buying or selling this year. What better time to focus on lead generation and getting those referrals than now? Here's how to kick your lead generation into overdrive and get more business and referrals.
Recommit to a system. Many agents and brokers spend the first hour of their days writing their to-do lists and figuring out where to start. When you have a system, you know what you need to do each day, no matter what. You can jump right in and start your daily lead generation and tap into your productivity. A system makes you more productive, and when you're more productive, you're more likely to succeed.
Make time. Many agents say they don't have time to call their clients to check in, write a note or otherwise get face-to-face. In many cases, they're so busy putting out fires and doing other things, they haven't made it a priority to connect with their clients. When you don't make time, you don't have time. Schedule time to connect with your clients each day, whether you block time in your schedule to do it or you resolve to tackle it each morning.
Just start. Many agents become so overwhelmed in deciding where to start, they become paralyzed and do nothing. The truth is, it doesn't matter where you start. Remind yourself that your clients want to hear from you. Pick up the phone or pen and get in touch today, starting with your favorite people. Each time you connect with your client, you lay the groundwork for future referrals.
When you work by referral, your relationships and their referrals drive your business. Consistently developing relationships with your clients is the most important aspect of lead generation you'll do in your business. Connect with your favorite clients and dive into your lead generation today, and enjoy the results in the form of more business in the coming months.
For more information, please visit www.buffiniandcompany.com.

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