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How to Unplug from Work during the Holidays
It’s the holiday season. Many people will be taking time off. Yet, many will still be “working” while they are away from the office, due to technology that makes our offices remotely accessible. Oftentimes, instead of using technology as a productivity enabler, it becomes a leash that never lets you stop working. When you are on vacation…be on vacation. We all need time off to be refreshed and enjoy the holidays.
Here are seven tips to help you “unplug”:
1. Disable your work email from your phone 

Many people need remote access to their email, as their jobs require them to be in the field. However, people definitely don’t need around-the-clock access to it while on vacation. Temporarily disabling your work email account from your phone will help you to resist the urge to check it anytime and anywhere.
2. Only check emails once per day 

If you must check email, set a specific time, and then check it once and only once a day. Daily is enough to keep up with most business issues.
3. Turn off notifications

Phones are great at interrupting our daily lives, they are even better at beeping and chirping while we are away. Don’t let your phone be a constant source of noise and distraction while on vacation.
4. Screen your calls

It can be really difficult to resist a ringing phone. Just because it rings, doesn’t mean you have to answer it. That’s what voice mail is for. Even seemingly innocent calls can turn into large interruptions and sources of stress. While you are on vacation, you need to screen your calls. All of them!
5. Delegate your responsibilities

Who do you leave your work with? No one is indispensable in their job, and the best way to avoid your work catching up with you on vacation is to delegate it to someone else who is responsible. Make sure to be clear about who is doing your tasks while you are away.
6. Set expectations

Setting clear expectations while you are away is as important as delegating your work. Be sure to clearly communicate when you will be away, when you will be back, in addition to how (and when) you can be reached in an emergency. It can even be valuable to define what constitutes an “emergency.”
7. Let accidents happen

This tip makes some people uncomfortable. But, the simple truth is that to truly unplug, you have to be willing to let the small things sometimes drop.
This holiday season, make sure you unplug during your hard-earned time off. Leave your work at work. The world won’t end, and it will be waiting for you when you get back.
Adapted from an article by Time Management Ninja at  

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