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9 Tips to Help You De-stress at Work
Sometimes your job creates a little stress in your life, but if you are a frazzled mess, it’s important to step back and relax during the work day. Not sure how to loosen up? Follow these nine tips to help you reduce stress throughout your week.

Start your day with a boost. Give yourself a head start to your day by leaving your home a half hour earlier than usual. According to studies, the less you rush in the morning, the more relaxed you feel throughout the day.
Make exercise a priority. Whether it’s a quick walk around the block or a full-on gym session, moving your body is crucial for your sanity. Aim to stretch every hour, too, in an effort to clear your head.

Breathe deeply. Inhaling deeply and exhaling slowing is a great way to calm your nerves, regain focus, and de-stress. When we breathe deeply, we decrease our heart rate, reduce muscle tension, create oxygen in the brain, and lower blood pressure.

Connect with a friend. Socializing is one of the easiest ways to distract yourself from everyday anxieties, so call up a pal to chat for a few minutes. Try to avoid any work-related venting and stick to fun, tension-free topics instead.

Put on some music. A good playlist can do wonders for your spirit. Slip on some headphones and crank up the tunes. If anger is your issue, go for calmer sounds. Exhausted from all the stress? Choose fast-tempo songs to re-energize.

Eating snacks at regular intervals. A cup of coffee, or a bowl of non-perishable snacks such as dry fruits, pretzels, juice boxes and more, can be consumed at timely intervals while you are at work. This will not only provide you with the fuel that you require for work but will also help in controlling your blood sugar levels to a large extent.

Praise yourself at work. If you have successfully accomplished a long-term goal, or have completed a task before the deadline, don’t wait for others to praise you. Give yourself credit right now! This will boost up your confidence as well as ease your mind throughout the day.

Finish the tough work first. Try to complete your most complicated tasks first, so they don’t loom over you for hours. Think of it as a “best for last” technique and you’ll start to look forward to your afternoons.

Plan ahead. When work becomes challenging, devote some of your downtime, like weekends or evenings, to making a to-do list for the next day or week. Make a list starting with the most time-sensitive tasks at the top, and check them off as you complete them. You’ll avoid forgetting anything, and you’ll stay more focused and relaxed on the job knowing you’re actually getting things done.

Adapted from an article on by Laura Marie Meyers.

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