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How to Protect Your Driveway From Summer Heat

Intense summer heat can damage your asphalt driveway. Repairs can be expensive, which is why it’s better to prevent problems from occurring in the first place. Here are some steps you can take to shield your driveway from the effects of the harsh summer sun.

Check Your Driveway for Signs of Damage
Thoroughly inspect your driveway and look for any cracks or holes. Take note of both major and minor imperfections. If they aren’t repaired, even small cracks can quickly grow into much more serious problems.

If your driveway has damage caused by intense heat, water can make things worse. In the summer, water from rain, sprinklers and even washing your car can run down the driveway and seep into cracks and holes. This can cause damage to the bottom layers of asphalt and allow mold to grow. 

Make Repairs Before Problems Get Worse
Address any issues as soon as possible, before the situation becomes more serious and you have to make major repairs. A seal coat can seal existing cracks in your driveway and protect the asphalt from the effects of the sun. Sealing the driveway can protect it from both heat and water damage, and keep it looking like new. 

It’s best to apply a seal coating in the spring. You will have to repeat the process periodically. The frequency will depend on the condition of your driveway, the weather in your area and the amount of use your driveway typically gets. 

Switch Parking Spaces
The sun can soften and weaken asphalt. If members of your family or guests generally park in the same places, the weight of a vehicle can gradually cause depressions to form in the driveway. Parking in different places can help you avoid damaging any one area. Avoid leaving heavy objects in the same spot on the driveway over a period of time during the summer so they don’t damage the asphalt.

Keep Sharp Objects and Tools Off the Driveway
Asphalt that has been softened by heat from the sun can become susceptible to damage from objects. Avoid using tools on your driveway whenever possible. If you must use tools on an asphalt surface, do it during cooler parts of the day when the driveway won’t be too soft. This will help avoid causing damage to your driveway if you accidentally drop a tool.

Consider Hiring a Professional to Inspect and Repair Your Driveway
When it comes to maintaining and fixing your driveway, there are some tasks that you can probably handle yourself, but there are others that are best left to a professional. If your driveway has several large cracks or potholes, that may be beyond the scope of your abilities. In that case, it’s best to seek help from a contractor, since the driveway may need to be repaved. A professional can also give you advice on how to deal with problems related to water runoff that pools on the driveway and other potentially serious issues.