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How to Help Your Child Cope With Seasonal Allergies

Seasonal allergies can make life miserable for kids. If you suspect that your child has allergies, schedule an appointment with your pediatrician as soon as possible. If your child has already been diagnosed with seasonal allergies, here are some ways you can help.

Help Your Child Avoid Allergens
Keep a child who is allergic to pollen inside during times of the day when the pollen count tends to be highest. When your child does go outside, sunglasses can help to protect their eyes from pollen. Bathing after coming inside can remove any pollen that may be on your child’s body.

Keep the windows closed when the pollen count is high outdoors. Use a HEPA filter to remove pollen from the air inside your house and make it easier for your child to breathe.

Give Your Child Medication
There are a variety of over-the-counter and prescription drugs that can treat seasonal allergies in children. Before you give any of them to your child, discuss the matter with your pediatrician. Some medications are better at treating certain symptoms than others. Your child’s age and size will affect dosing, so be sure to read the directions carefully.

Allergy medications may cause drowsiness. Some cause more serious side effects than others, and specific treatments can affect some individuals more than others. If you find that a medication makes your child drowsy, talk to your pediatrician. The doctor may recommend changing the time when you administer the medication or switching to something else.

Keep Your Child Hydrated
Allergies can cause your child to produce more mucus than usual, which can lead to a sore throat, cough and stuffy nose. Have your child drink plenty of water to clear out mucus and help with those symptoms. Broth can also be helpful. 

Help Your Child Sleep
Getting plenty of rest can make your child feel better, but allergy symptoms can make it difficult to get a good night’s sleep. A spoonful of honey before bed can help with post-nasal drip and coughing, resulting in a good night’s sleep. Honey should only be given to children at least 1 year old. Younger kids may experience food poisoning. Your child’s pediatrician may recommend another type of treatment.

Try Other Strategies to Ease Allergy Symptoms
If your child suffers from itchy, watery eyes, a cool compress or ice pack can help. Steam from a shower can clear nasal passages, soothe mucous membranes and make it easier for your child to breathe. 

Exercise can improve blood flow and respiration, and can help your child feel better faster. Getting some physical activity can also be a welcome distraction from allergy symptoms. If outdoor pollen is an issue, look for a fun activity your child can do inside.