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Best Days to Save at the Grocery Store

Shopping at the grocery store on weekends may be convenient for most people, but it’s not so advantageous for their wallet.

Weekends are the most expensive times to shop for food, according to research by the consumer shopping app Ibotta. With the high traffic, there’s no reason for retailers to drop prices then.

Many people have difficulty grocery shopping and running other errands on weekdays, but it will save them more money in the long run. Here are some items that may be cheaper during the week:

Produce Is Cheaper on Fridays
Before the weekend hits, stock up on apples and broccoli on Friday to save about 1 percent, according to Ibotta. Organic produce can also be cheaper on Fridays.

Thursday Snacks
If you’re preparing for a party or just want to get some snacks for yourself, buy them on a Thursday to save about 1 percent. This way, you can also make them last through the weekend, when you’re more likely to eat them.

Midweek Bread
Buy bread on a Wednesday to save about 2 percent. Another way to save on bread? Buy it in bulk and freeze the loaves until you’re ready to use them.

Beer Wednesday
Instead of waiting until the weekend and shopping when everyone else is, plan ahead and buy beer on a Wednesday and you can save about 1 percent.

Wine a Day Before Beer
Wine was found to be cheapest on a Tuesday, offering about 4 percent savings.

Friday Ice Cream
Buying ice cream on a Friday will not only save you money, but it will also allow you to hold off on the indulgence until the weekend. Fulfilling an ice cream craving on Friday should save you about 1 percent.

Overall Sales
Saving 1 percent on an item doesn’t sound like much of a savings, but it can add up throughout a year of shopping on weekdays. A quick weekday trip to the supermarket in the morning or late at night should also make it easier to avoid the crowds.

Also, look for overall sales at grocery stores on Wednesday and Thursday. On these days, perishable products are more likely to go on sale, so ask your grocer and you can get a leg up on everyone else.