RISMEDIA, Jan. 10, 2007-It's certain that rookie agents can still make it big in real estate despite a growing list of powerful Internet search tools, hungry non-Realtors looking for a piece of the commission, competitive veteran agents who know how to dominate their niche and a buyers market reflected by a growing inventory of unsold houses. For all intents and purposes the recent days of the "easy sale" are gone and Rookie Agents are facing major challenges as they drive into 2007.
According to Dirk Zeller, CEO of the Real Estate Champions Coaching Company, there are at least 4 major dilemmas that need to be addressed:
– Commission erosion due to fee-discounters
– A lack of survival sales skills
– No competitive difference that would create market dominance
– Poor buyer conversion
If you are a Rookie Agent you may be shaking your head yes and quickly adding one more huge quandary: No tools!
"Of course, if Rookie Agents go to the Real Estate Apprentice Grant Foundation and apply to the grant program they can take a huge step in overcoming challenges 2, 3, 4 and 5," says Dr. Martin Oliver, Deputy Executive Director of the Foundation.
In response to a growing interest by Rookie Agents and a complicated market, this week the Foundation opened their 6th consecutive season for real estate product and service grants. Since its inception in July of 2004, over 11,000 rookie agents have applied to the Foundation for help. According to the Real Estate Apprentice Foundation, every applicant is a winner and is eligible for an instant same-day grant of at least $250 in real estate products and services. Rookies are evaluated based on answers to three essay questions. Those scoring a certain grade go into the second round competing for the Grand Prize, nine finalists, 20 semi-finalist and numerous honorable mentions. Grants range from $250 to $70,000 per person.
Interested applicants can go to the Real Estate Apprentice Web site and view sponsors, sample grant awards, press releases and the biographies of past Finalists. There is no purchase necessary and no payback required.
Applicants must be in the first 6 months of their real estate career – for exact eligibility requirements go to www.realestateapprentice.com.
Companies wishing to explore sponsorship opportunities should contact Dr. Oliver at 949-600-7188 or by e-mail at Dr.Oliver@RealEstateApprentice.com.