RISMEDIA, Feb. 2, 2007-Real Living Inc., the country's fourth-largest residential real estate firm, enhanced its digital marketing initiatives through a partnership with MLPodcast. Initially, Real Living will offer podcasts of its 46 community videos – currently available for viewing on its Web site – and plans to offer its listings as podcasts in the future.
The three- to five-minute videos, featuring key Ohio markets of Columbus, Cleveland, Dayton and Cincinnati, highlight the communities' culture, landmarks, restaurants, shopping and other amenities. They were produced through a partnership with California-based TurnHere Productions, a digital media company specializing in online video, last November.
"The way people gather news and information is changing rapidly, and we're trying to fill the online consumers' need by giving them many options," said Kaira Sturdivant Rouda, chief operating officer of Real Living. "Now consumers can view the community videos on any of our real estate listings in those 46 communities or via iTunes."
"We are extremely excited about our partnership with Real Living," said Michael Price, president of MLPodcast. "Brokers and agents in the Real Living Network will now be able to take advantage of all the benefits that video podcasting provides, such as increased search engine optimization, professional virtual tours at a fraction of the cost of panoramic imaging, the ability to add content syndication and much more. We feel confident that Real Living's adoption of this technology will give them an early mover advantage and help solidify their technical and marketing acumen in the national real estate space."
Real Living Helios Realty, one of Real Living's Chicago franchises, is already utilizing MLPodcast to create podcasts of individual listings. To view their listings via podcasts, visit: www.RealLivingHelios.com.
"Podcasting our listings has really given us an edge," said Joe Magliochetti, principal broker of Real Living Helios Realty. "Today's market is characterized by increasingly tech-savvy home buyers looking for detailed, on-demand information, so putting these podcasts to work can be the difference needed to get homes sold faster, to the right buyer."
The podcasts can only be accessed with Apple's free iTunes® software. To download the software, go to: http://www.apple.com/itunes/download/.
To view the central Ohio podcasts, visit: http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=212677993.
To view the Cincinnati/Dayton podcasts, visit: http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=212677994.
To view the Cleveland/Northern Ohio podcasts, visit: http://phobos.apple.com/WebObjects/MZStore.woa/wa/viewPodcast?id=212677995.
The central Ohio Podcast is currently featured in the iTunes® podcast directory as "New and Notable" in the Business/Investing category. Real estate is a topic that dominates the investing category in the iTunes® podcast directory, further validating consumer demand for this new content delivery method.
For more information, visit www.RealLiving.com.