RISMEDIA, June 15, 2007-Sharper Agent President Brian Wildermuth will be a featured moderator? for the Marketing and Technology track session, “Today’s Technology Wows! How to Incorporate Blogs, Podcasting and Video into Your Media Strategy,”
at RISMedia’s 18th Annual Leadership Conference to be held Sept. 5-6, 2007 in New York City.
To find out more or to register, go to https://www.rismedia.com/events/
To go directly to the online registration page, visit https://rismedia.emeetingsonline.com/emeetings/websitev2.asp?mmnno=104&pagename=SITE806.
The Leadership Conference is a high-level, networking and educational event for America’s real estate and relocation leaders held in New York City every year. Presented by RISMedia and sponsored advertisers of RISMedia’s Real Estate magazine, this conference focuses on building stronger real estate and relocation businesses and the future of our industry.
The theme for the Conference this year is, “Lead, Communicate, Get Wired How to Manage, Market & Use Technology to Better Shape Your Success.” This year there will be four tracks including Marketing and Technology, Business Development, Recruiting and Training and Relocation.
Some of this year’s sponsors include: Dominion Enterprises, Wells Fargo, GMAC, Sharper Agent and many more.
To learn more or to register, visit: https://www.rismedia.com/events/.