RISMEDIA, May 20, 2008-Many agents who really could benefit from the agent team approach are reluctant to start one. Perhaps they worry that they will not be able to generate enough sales to compensate team members, or they think they will not be good at delegating tasks. Other agents rush headlong into creating their own teams before they are really ready.
In Chapter 2 of RISMedia’s recently released book, Power Teams: The Complete Guide to Building and Managing a Winning Real Estate Agent Team by RISMedia President and CEO, John Featherston and top-producing Broker Ralph R. Roberts, the process of weighing the pros and cons of a team-based approach is explained in detail. This chapter will also help you do a self-assessment to determine whether now is the right time for you to start building your own team. Following is an excerpt from Chapter 2:
Recognizing the Signs That You Need a Team
Just about every agent who has built a team has experienced a unique epiphany that clearly revealed why forming a team would be the right move for them. Some have come to this realization through careful soul searching, discovering their weaknesses in certain areas-areas that were critical in order to reach the next level. Many agents realize they need a team when they find themselves working 80 hours a week and still not getting everything done. A few others stumble into the team approach by partnering with a family member or a friend who is also in the real estate business.
Hopefully, you have already found your inspiration to create a team or perhaps you will find it in this book. If you haven’t quite reached this turning point, consider some of the most common signs indicating that a team approach could significantly improve your business and your life:
– You have more clients or leads than you can handle. You’re actually referring surplus prospects to your competitors.
– You’re experiencing an increasing number of missed opportunities due to time and resource constraints.
– You find it more and more difficult to meet deadlines, or you’re chronically missing deadlines.
– You see an increasing number of mistakes and miscommunications in your work.
– You feel as though you never have enough time to do what you need or would like to do.
– Family members are complaining that you don’t spend enough quality time at home.
– You skip vacations to catch up on work.
– You feel alone and frustrated. You want to share ideas and get feedback before bringing those ideas to life, but you have nobody to bounce those ideas off of.
– You have great ideas for improving your business, but you’re missing the key skills and talents to implement those ideas.
How many listings can you imagine yourself juggling before you become disorganized and start dropping the ball? Whenever you can’t handle your workload, customer service starts to slip because you’re too busy, or your quality of life is suffering under the strain of your career, consider lightening your load by bringing a new team member on board.
To order your copy of Power Teams, please click here.