RISMEDIA, Nov. 17, 2008-OptHome, an online resource for empowering homeowners, buyers and sellers to make smart decisions for all their homeowner needs, wants homeowners to know its easier to go green than they may think-and a lot less expensive. OptHome research shows that homeowners want to be more eco-conscious but believe it will cost too much money. By incorporating just a few simple and cost-effective tips into every day living, homeowners can turn their home into a more energy-efficient investment.
10 easy steps to go green and save green:
1. Recycle. It’s free, reduces household consumption and increases energy efficiency.
2. Save Water. Install low-flow shower heads and faucets to cut back on water flow. A simple fix – shorten your shower times and shorten your water bill.
3. Conserve Rain Water. Set up barrels in your backyard to collect rain water and snow for watering plants and shrubs. Use this to water your indoor plants too.
4. Reduce Electricity. Remember to turn off the light when you leave the room and to unplug your computer and other electronics and appliances when not in use. These small gestures will not only save energy but will save you money on your electric bill as well.
5. Replace Light Bulbs. Replace your current light bulbs with compact florescent lighting. Believe it or not, these bulbs use 30% less energy, but produce the same amount of light and last longer.
6. Drive Less. You may not be ready to give up your sporty SUV, but why not trade it in for a hybrid. If that’s not in your budget, carpool or try walking.
7. Double up on Printing. Configure your computer to print on both sides of the paper. This saves paper, trees and you running out to the store last minute to buy a new supply.
8. Adjust Refrigerator temperature. Refrigerators use up the most electricity in your house. Adjust your fridge to the average temperature of 37 degrees F and your freezer to 0 degrees F.
9. Support Local Farms. You will be cutting back on gas and decreasing our dependence on oil with the trucks that are used to ship produce. Best of all, you will be eating delicious fruit and veggies that have less chemicals.
10. Dry Clothes Outside. Give your dryer a break. Hang your clothes outside and get that fresh smell. You’ll also be reducing the amount of energy you use in the home.
“The pressure is mounting for all of us to grow an environmental conscience.” says Dave Sears, OptHome co-founder and chief strategist. “We don’t all think green, but if each household hops on the environmental bandwagon and reduces their household emissions of waste and exhaust, and consumption of water and electricity, perhaps we can speed up the process of growing a collective green conscience and save a little money in the process.”
For more information and energy-saving tips, visit www.OptHome.com.