RISMEDIA, February 6, 2009-This week’s headlines from the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS include: REALTOR® recommendations are making headway in the House; office solutions offered through NAR’s REALTOR Benefits Program Partners; and download the new 2009 REALTOR.com© Listing Presentation for free.
REALTOR® Recommendations Make Headway in the House
The US House of Representatives has taken a significant step toward economic recovery in passing The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009.
Manage Your Office with Partners in the REALTOR Benefits Program
NAR has partnered with companies to save you time and money on a variety of everyday solutions including: shipping services from FedEx and printers and copiers from Xerox. For details visit the REALTOR Benefits® website.
Get the NEW 2009 REALTOR.com© Listing Presentation – It’s FREE!
Download a Listing Presentation that enables you to leverage the latest Internet statistics from the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® and the popularity of the #1 real estate site, REALTOR.com©.
For more information, visit www.REALTOR.org.