RISMEDIA, March 11, 2009-How can a pilot take aim from hundreds of miles away and land right at the end of the correct runway? Amazing? Not so much. The pilot has a flight plan, he gets feedback on how he’s doing, and he makes adjustments as required. The pilot is in control.
Realtors start out with a plan, too. Then during the year things change in our market and in ourselves, and we need to adjust to stay on course. The problem is we don’t always see those changes until it’s too late, so we often have to accept a lot less at the end of the year than we had hoped for. We just don’t have the control we’d like.
The difference here is good, timely feedback-information about where we are and how we are doing. Pilots get great feedback, but most agents don’t because sales feedback is hard to get and hard to interpret.
Imagine, though, if we knew:
– how much value we need to produce each week to make our goal, and how much we have produced so far this week.
– the best size for our sphere of influence and for each stage of our pipeline.
– which sales activities produce the most value given our situation.
– the amount of income currently in the pipe, and when we might see it.
– which stage of the pipeline needs the most attention, and which sales activities work best for that stage.
– how much of our time goes toward sales and how much goes into administration.
If we had this feedback we could make better decisions and much better use of our time. We could own our sales process.
For years we have used office tools-databases and word processors and more-to save time and effort, but we haven’t had a tool to manage our pipelines. Now that is changed. SellSharp uses simple information about your business to size your pipeline stages. It finds the standard costs and values for your sales activities, and then tells you if you’re earning enough value week by week to realize the income you’re counting on. It tells you which activities work best in your situation, and it even tells you if you’re putting in enough time with the right activities to meet your goal.
Here’s the best part: it takes very little input to get all this feedback, but that feedback puts you in charge. You can master your pipeline, and you can make it flow.