RISMEDIA, May 13, 2009-With negative news about the economy bombarding us on a daily basis, it is no wonder that many Americans feel stressed just trying to make it through their daily routine.
The California Association of Marriage and Family Therapists (CAMFT) offers these nine tips to help you get rid of your stress:
1. Walk. A 10-minute walk is a quick way to get some energy to help you get through the rest of your day. If you can, get outside. The fresh air will do you good.
2. Stretch. Whether you’re sitting at a desk all day or always on the go, stress on the job has the tendency to make your muscles tight. Take 10 minutes to stretch, focusing on your neck and back.
3. Schedule ‘me’ time. Do something for yourself. Schedule a massage appointment, set up a babysitter for a solo Saturday shopping trip or make plans to watch the game with the guys. Knowing you have a fun event coming up will brighten your mood.
4. Nap. A 10-minute power nap is a quick way to decompress and re-energize.
5. Laugh. Watch a video clip from your favorite comedian, call your hilarious high school friend who always has a joke or step out for coffee with your favorite co-worker who has funny stories about his kids.
6. Journal. Writing for 10 minutes can help you process what’s on your mind. Give yourself free reign – nothing is off limits. You can whine, kvetch, brag or obsess as much as you want.
7. Say thank you. Is someone making your life better, easier or more enjoyable? Whether it’s a family member, co-worker or a friendly barista, personally thank the individual or write and send a thank you note.
8. Breathe. Taking 10 minutes to focus on your breathing can noticeably reduce stress. 70-90% of doctor visits are stressed-related, but by taking 10 minutes of your day to focus on your breathing, you can skip a visit to the doctor.
9. De-clutter. Is your desk covered in paper, to-do lists and leftover lunch scraps? A clutter-free work environment will reduce stress and help you focus.