RISMEDIA, May 30, 2009-Two real estate experts are launching an updated, user-friendly real estate buyers’ guide that simplifies and demystifies the real estate-buying process for the average American.
Called Make No Mistakes About … Buying Real Estate: 50+ Costly Mistakes You Can’t Afford to Make, the comprehensive, easy-to-use guide includes tools and checklists for real estate buyers.
“With the state of the economy, real estate buyers can easily be confused by the qualifying guidelines,” according to author and mortgage expert Rudy Silmon. “But the reality is, with interest rates near all-time lows, with great values in almost every market in the country, and with federal tax incentives, now is one of the greatest opportunities to buy a home that we have ever seen.”
The book also takes into account recent changes in lending guidelines and home-buying incentives, as well as recent changes in lending regulations. “Our book is designed to walk the average American through the real estate-buying process, and how to avoid costly mistakes in negotiating, deciding on an interest rate, and avoiding overpayment and paperwork issues,” says Melissa Walters, author and real estate expert.
Make No Mistakes About…Buying Real Estate is now in its 3rd edition. Previous editions proved that mistakes in real estate hurt not only the home buyer but the economy as well. The expanded book focuses on 50+ costly real estate mistakes with real stories of people who have already made them, along with practical solutions, tools and advice as to how to avoid these common real estate purchasing errors.
Walters points out that “many of the challenges that home buyers had in the past stem from the fact that they did not take full responsibility or understand their finances.” Additionally, loan officers would often approve home buyers at a maximum limit. Consequently, many home buyers purchased that much house, leaving little room in the event of a life mishap or if the loan adjusted upward.
The book shows real estate purchasers how to take into account their lifestyle costs and planned expenses, beyond their current monthly expenses, and how to truly evaluate their budgets in terms of buying a home. In conjunction with the book, Walters and Silmon’s website, www.MakeNoMistakes.com, offers free budget spreadsheets and other downloadable forms and tools to provoke conversations and analyses of the home buyers’ finances and budget before they buy. The website also includes a comprehensive lender comparative worksheet that shows users how to compare good faith estimates and to determine which offer is the best deal for them.
Sample tools in the book and on the website include:
-Home buyer’s checklist
-Checklist of ways to identify a good loan officer
-Comprehensive listing and explanation of borrower’s paperwork
-Step-by-step “from contract to closing” checklist
For more information, visit www.MakeNoMistakes.com.