RISMEDIA, October 21, 2009—A book published recently by the Appraisal Institute provides up-to-date, relevant instructions for completing residential real estate appraisal forms and offers in-depth instructions on providing valuations in the current market. The Appraisal Institute is one of the nation’s largest organizations of real estate appraisers.
“Using Residential Appraisal Report Forms: URAR, Form 2055, and the Market Conditions Form, Second Edition” provides residential appraisers with line-by-line instructions for completing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac’s Uniform Residential Appraisal Report and Exterior-Only Inspection Residential Appraisal Report. This second edition also has been updated to address the new Market Conditions Addendum to the Appraisal Report, which is now required by Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac for all mortgage origination appraisals.
Author Mark R. Rattermann, MAI, SRA, examines current economic conditions and introduces innovative techniques that can be used to measure value change in any market using available data. A 30-year practitioner and instructor, Rattermann offers dozens of real-world examples- all based on actual situations that practitioners in the field are likely to encounter. These examples focus on strategies for achieving best practices and overcoming common mistakes made in the field, providing appraisers with the tools they need to perform residential appraisal assignments with confidence and competence.
For more information, visit www.appraisalinstitute.org.