RISMEDIA, January 9, 2010—Many people want to create success for the new year not realizing that in order to do that, they need to have inside of them a blueprint for success. What does that mean specifically? Actually, having a blueprint for success means two things. The first thing is that it means you have to have a clear vision of what it is you want to create. The more powerful your vision and the more you can feel your vision, the stronger it is.
If you want your business to make $500,000 in 2010, and you’d like to work maybe 30 hours a week or less, and you’d like to work with your ideal clients, then create a mission statement to that effect. I would recommend starting off with the words, “I am so happy and grateful that I am making $500,000 or more in 2010, I’m working 30 hours a week or less and I am working with my ideal clients doing work I love.” Once you say that, put it on an index card where you can read it out loud every day.
The next thing you do is you step into the visualization and you really feel what it feels like. For example, step into your vision and feel what it feels like to be making $500,000 a year. You can imagine what you would do with that added income. Perhaps you could visualize yourself spending part of it and saving part of it, or giving part of it to charity.
Make your vision very vivid. Not like a snapshot, but like a moving picture of seeing yourself doing all of these things you want to do with this added income. Perhaps you’re already making $500,000, so for you, the big stretch would be $800,000, $900,000 or beyond, whatever is a stretch for you. Pick a figure that’s realistic and yet optimistic at the same time.
Once you’ve got that vision statement, you simply need to feel it. You need to feel what it feels like to have that income. Feel what it feels like to be working your ideal number of hours per week. Feel what it feels like to be working with your ideal clients. Experience the joy and the fun of being of service to these clients. The more you breathe into it the more you’ll be able to feel it.
The key is to do this frequently. Look at your vision statement every morning, read it out loud with feeling and take a few extra moments to really feel it before going to sleep. Your subconscious mind is very receptive. Put it by your nightstand and right before you go to sleep look at it, read it and feel it. Let this sink into your subconscious mind that this is your vision. This is your intention for the New Year. It’s very powerful to have a vision statement.
The second thing to do to create a success blueprint is to be sure that you’ve cleared your self limiting beliefs. Here’s the process that I recommend to do that. Get out a piece of paper and create a T diagram. Draw a horizontal line across the page and draw a vertical line down the page so you have two columns. The left hand column is called ‘Your Self Limiting Beliefs.’ The right hand column is called ‘Your Empowered Beliefs.’ This next part requires that you become like a loving detective and search inside yourself as to what self limiting beliefs you would need to reprogram in order to reach your goal, in order to really manifest that vision statement.
Some examples of self limiting beliefs that stop people, (and the biggest one right now) is “I can’t reach my financial goals because of the economy.” That statement is a self limiting belief that belongs in your left hand column. Another one that’s very common is “I’m not good enough” or “I don’t have what it takes to succeed.” Over the years of coaching clients, real estate agents in particular, I’ve heard many self limiting beliefs that create an anti success blueprint.
I recently had a client who was broke and scared when she first came to me. She was in debt. She had been a real estate agent for a while and she was feeling stuck. She was at a low point in her life. After I helped her create her vision statement, we went to work to find out what self limiting beliefs she was carrying on the subconscious level that were stopping her from success. And we found out that she had several. If any of these are true for you, put them in your left hand column. For example, “I’m not good enough” goes in the left hand column.
My client’s parents did not encourage her to succeed. Her parents did not instill a success blueprint in her, rather they gave her the impression that she should just get married and that a man would take care of her. So she did not have the support she needed to say, “I will be successful.” In addition to that, she was told as a child over and over again, “Don’t bother people.” “Don’t talk to strangers.” “If you call somebody you’re bothering them.” And of course as a real estate professional, one of her jobs is to call people. Sometimes she had to call people she didn’t even know. She wasn’t aware of it, but these beliefs were blocking her from her success. She had tried many different kinds of coaching. She had tried accountability coaching. She even knew about the Law of Attraction, but couldn’t implement it because of her self limiting beliefs. In the period of time that we worked together, she was able to change those self limiting beliefs.
In the left hand column she had written “I’m not good enough.” In the right hand column she wrote, “I am more than good enough.” In the left hand column, “Women aren’t as valuable as men,” right hand column, “Women are just as valuable as men,” left hand column, “Don’t talk to strangers,” right hand column, “People are happy to hear from me.” After she cleared her self limited beliefs and put her empowered beliefs in place, she created her ideal professional life. I give you this example to illustrate the dramatic importance of knowing what your self limiting beliefs are and clearing them out of the way.
If any of these self-limiting beliefs resonate with you as you’re reading this article, put those in your left hand column and realize that you’re not stuck with them. They’re not facts, they’re just beliefs and do not judge yourself for having them, because at one point in your life these beliefs were survival strategies. Get as many down in the left hand column as you can.
Once you’ve done that, go to the right hand column and for every self limiting belief you’ve written, write down your empowered belief. After that, you want to totally release the left hand column, and one of the best methods to do that is called the Burn Technique. Simply cut the paper in half, burn the left hand column. Let it go in a ritual and as its burning say good-bye to all of the self limiting beliefs that you no longer need.
Write each of your empowering beliefs on an index card and then say those empowered beliefs every day out loud with feeling to reprogram your self conscious mind. If the negative beliefs start to creep up again, use the power of your mind to interrupt those beliefs. Just say, “Stop.” Take a deep breath and put in an empowered belief. In this way you are maximizing your possibility of a Success Blueprint for the year 2010.
Dr. Maya Bailey, author of Law of Attraction for Real Estate Professionals, integrates 20 years of experience as a psychologist and 12 years as a business coach with her expertise in the Law of Attraction. Get Bailey’s free report, 7 Simple Strategies For More Clients in 90 Days, by visiting www.90DaystoMoreClients.com.