RISMEDIA, February 8, 2010—New Year’s resolutions aren’t just about doing something new in the New Year, they’re about giving you something to focus on for the entire year. Fitness resolutions are all about charting and monitoring your progress and staying motivated. If you feel as if you are already starting to falter on your resolutions or you are looking for ways to switch up your fitness routine, Realbuzz.com offers the following new ways to get fit in 2010.
Budokan is a mixture of martial arts and yoga that is slowly taking hold of the fitness world. This Japanese art hones the physical self by way of concentration of the mind, slow concise yoga and martial arts movements. It improves stamina, speed, agility and flexibility. In one 90-minute session you can shed around 800 calories.
Zumba is a mixture of cardiovascular and aerobic exercise routines that infuse exercise with dance and choreography. This South American workout tones the body through its use of resistance exercises, which effectively amount to interval training due to the varying speeds at which they are carried out.
Karaoke Spinning will liven up that hard-paced spinning class. If you’ve got any breath left during one of these demanding classes, you can yell out your favorite tunes.
Kettle bells Workout – Perform squats and lunges while swinging the ‘kettle bell’ above your head, burning up to 1,500 calories per session. Essentially you are working your core muscles and building endurance. It is also a great way to improve posture too.
Burlesque Dancing is a form of dance that has become popular over the last couple of years. A strenuous workout that includes a series of flowing dance moves, the dance routines tend to mock many other genres and styles. But it’s very popular in gyms and a great cardiovascular workout.
For more information, visit www.realbuzz.com.