RISMEDIA, March 27, 2010—California and Florida may be working through their own financial fallout, but that’s not stopping Americans from wanting to move to or remain in these regions, according to a new survey by Relocation.com. Top five destination states this year include California, Florida, Texas, Georgia, Arizona and a tie between Illinois and North Carolina.
The survey found that Americans are moving shorter distances than they were last year, but are doing so for different reasons. One in five respondents said they moved to a new location with a lower cost of living and, not surprisingly, there was a 150% jump from last June’s survey in the number of respondents who were moving because they had lost their home to foreclosure. On the other hand, 54% said the recession was not a factor in their decision to move, with 10% of respondents moving because home prices had dropped enough for them to afford a home in a desirable area. The survey also found more Americans are moving from rental to rental with a significant number of consumers temporarily renting while they look for a new home to purchase.
“We’re seeing a dramatic increase recently in the number of moving estimate requests,” said Relocation.com Chairman and Founder Sharon Asher. “We’ll have to see if this is a fortunate blip or represents the start of a turnaround, but it’s an interesting trend in light of our survey’s findings.”
For more information, visit www.relocation.com.