Duane Duggan
RE/MAX of Boulder
Years in real estate: 31
Region Served: Boulder, Colorado
Average sales price in your market: $500,000
Average number of days a home spends on the market: 90
How are you currently faring in today’s market?
Last year was my best year ever and this year is on track to be even better than last. When you hear that real estate is off, you have to remember that life goes on even in bad times and people still need to move. If you keep reminding them that you are here, they will find you when they need a Realtor.
How do you create loyal clients in today’s market?
If you forget about them, they are not going to be loyal in any market. Success is a month-to-month lease in real estate. I follow Brian Buffini’s system of calls, notes and “pop-by’s.” My notes are all old-fashioned, handwritten notes. I send out five a day. We also try to do about five pop-by’s a week where I literally stop by someone’s house, say hello, and give them a mug. I also have my daily accountability sheets because I believe that lead generation will always keep your pipeline flowing. In addition to all of my client follow-up work, I have 1,300 Realtor friends I keep in touch with. I call them to say hello and remind them that I’m still here. That also pays off in referrals.
What else helps client stick with one real estate professional over the course of their transactions?
Many years ago, a study showed that staying in one place for five years or longer was imperative for client retention—clients need to be able to find you. I have been here for 31 years. In fact, the card I gave out 31 years ago still has the same phone number on it today.
What types of marketing work best for retaining clients?
Everyday I get a call from someone who wants to optimize my search engine, or who has found the answer to real estate success. But I choose to do it the old fashion way instead. I have sold over 3,000 homes in my career so keeping in touch with those folks is a full-time job. I send out 1,300 calendars a year, even to people who have moved out of town. I know calendars may seem old-school, but I actually have people call when they move to make sure they can stay on my calendar list. And even if they have moved, people do come back, or they move somewhere else and need a referral. I am still getting paid from people who have moved out of town long ago.
How are you/will you utilize the Top 5 program to help build your business?
I use the weekly Real Estate Social Networking System articles for my blog. I had been wanting to blog for years but never got to it. So now, thanks to Top 5, on Thursdays when the articles are sent, I put out a blog. I also hope to expand my Realtor network through Top 5. If a Realtor is willing to subscribe and pay what it costs to be in Top 5, it means they are not part-time Realtors, but dedicated full-time professionals. And anything Allan Dalton is affiliated with is going to be excellent.
What is the key to a successful life in real estate?
As Brian Buffini says, you have to have balance. He talks about the five circles of life: personal, business, financial, spiritual and physical. I am over-the-top involved in the community, from church to boy scouts and ski teams. You have to be in the flow of people’s lives and if you are, you will succeed from osmosis.