RISMEDIA, May 19, 2010—This week’s headlines from the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS® include: download the 2010 NAR Member Profile at no cost thanks to Right Tools, Right Now; go green with DocuSign and save this summer; and share your story, build your brand and get a pin with The Heart of the Market program.
Right Tools, Right Now – Download the 2010 NAR Member Profile at No Cost
Thanks to Right Tools, Right Now, get the most current report on REALTORS including economic, demographic, education, tenure, agency relationship and compensation information, for FREE. This report also provides an in-depth look at office affiliation, type of firm, and the use of the Internet and technology. Visit REALTOR.org/RightTools for more information.
Save this Summer by Going Green with DocuSign
REALTOR Benefits Program Partner, DocuSign is the smart and secure way to get documents signed fast, while also keeping your business green. In addition to 20% off the retail price, REALTORS can save even more money by becoming the eco-friendly agent or broker thanks to DocuSign’s paperless process. Sign up today for your 30 day free trial.
Share Your Story, Build Your Brand, Get a Pin
Tell NAR how membership has made a difference to you, your clients and your community and you’ll be mailed a FREE “I LOVE Being a REALTOR®” pin (limit two per member, while supplies last). Your story will also be posted on the “Gallery” and you’ll be invited to share your story through a unique link on your Facebook and Twitter pages, and by email, sharing with others the expertise and value being a REALTOR® brings to them. For details and to share your story, visit www.TheHeartofTheMarket.com.
For more information, visit www.REALTOR.org.