RISMEDIA, June 21, 2010—For all of us who celebrated Father’s Day yesterday as fathers, children or spouses, you may have experienced either the receiving or giving of gifts. As you know gifts can come in many forms and be delivered in many different ways—in person, through the mail or online to name a few. The most important thing is that whatever your gift might be, that it gets there and is received by your father intact and the way it was intended. The same holds true when it comes Mobile Technology and delivering real estate information to consumers on their Mobile Devices.
Information can be delivered to a consumer’s Mobile Device in such plethora of different ways because of the advanced capabilities that today’s devices offers. Delivery can be accomplished via audio, SMS (or text message), MMS (Multimedia Messaging System), e-mail and QR (quick response) code to name a few. Providing a quality delivery method is important, but no different than choosing whether to ship a package via FedEx, UPS, or DHL; it’s all about making sure your package is received. In fact, you may use UPS for some things and DHL for others depending on what you are shipping. Again, the same holds true for Mobile.
Every real estate agent and agencies are different and they all have different marketing plans and channels through which they disseminate information. When you make the decision to incorporate Mobile Techno logy into that mix it is important to know that you have a wide range of choices when it comes to how that information is delivered. Working with a company that can offer you multiple distribution methods will allow you to most seamlessly integrate a Mobile Marketing Strategy into your business.
However, what is even more important than the way in which information is delivered, is the experience and the richness of the content that you are delivering when it is received by the consumer. How does the package look when it is received and opened by your consumer? You want to make sure that you are delivering a quality experience to all consumers no matter what device they are using.
Most often, the majority of that experience will occur on the Mobile Web through a Mobile Website. Mobile Websites can be created for a specific listing or to mimic your traditional online website while providing an experience tailored specifically to a mobile User. When it comes to ensuring a quality experience via the mobile Web, this means providing pictures that are quality images, look crisp and display to fit the screen of the user. All videos should format appropriately, load quickly and play on the consumer’s device easily. It is also important to provide an interactive experience that engages the user based on the capabilities of their device such as a GPS search if that functionality is available to them and smart GPS which can show someone the listings nearest to the one which they just looked at.
As you begin to incorporate Mobile Marketing Technologies into your overall marketing mix remember to think about some of the things we have talked discussed here today. There is more than one way to deliver a package, but the most important thing is that the package gets aka your real estate information, gets to where it’s going intact and looks good when it gets there. I hope all the fathers had a wonderful Father’s Day yesterday and all your packages were received intact regardless of how they got there.
Seth Kaplan is the president of Mobile Real Estate ID. Contact him directly at Seth@mobilerealestateid.com.
For more information, visit www.mobilerealestateid.com.