RISMEDIA, August 11, 2010—The key to success in selling real estate is being able to ask the right questions, not necessarily knowing the right answers. After all, you can always find the answers, but in order to truly differentiate yourself in the market, you have to know what to ask.
According to David Knox Productions, the following list provides the most important questions you should ask when interviewing your listing prospects:
Before you list the home
-How did you hear about me?
-How soon do you want to have your home on the market?
-What other companies are you interviewing?
-What price range do you feel your home is in?
-What improvements have you made to your home since you bought it?
For building rapport
-Tell me about yourself and your family?
-What are the main things you’d like me to cover today?
-What do you like to do in your leisure time?
-Comment on key points of interest in their home.
Inquiring about the reasons and motivation for moving
-How long have you thought about selling?
-Why have you chosen to move now?
-What do you see as the biggest benefit/drawback of this move?
-Why is now an important time to move?
-What are your plans after the property sells?
-How do you and your family feel about this move?
When discovering urgency
-How soon would you like to be moved?
-Why is that an important time to move?
-What would happen if the home didn’t sell?
-How would your plans be affected if you moved earlier/later?
Learning about their previous experience in real estate transactions
-Tell me about your experiences in buying and selling real estate.
-How many homes have you owned?
-How many times have you moved?
Learning about their previous experiences with real estate agents
-Have you used a real estate agent before?
-How have your past experiences been?
Asking about their expectations of a real estate agent
-What is your main reason for considering a real estate agent?
-What services of a real estate agent do you consider to be the most important?
-What are the most important factors to you in selecting an agent?
David Knox’s popular line of consumer videos is now available online. Go to www.realestateconsumervideos.com for your free trial! Enter Promo Code: “ris” or call 1-800-822-4221.