What demographic segments are driving your business these days?
It’s actually two core segments that are coming together. Baby boomers are moving up and out, and Gen X and Gen Y are moving in—Gen X to their second home and Gen Y to their first. They’re all moving in unison.
How are you effectively using social media?
It depends on how broadly you define social media. We’ve been effective in using Groupon and LivingSocial and the coupon process via social media in order to draw people to our real estate business. However, our strongest use of social media is probably on the recruiting side of things.
What is your favorite time-saving tool that you use on a weekly basis?
My good, old-fashioned iPhone. From email to taking notes to reading a book and spreadsheets, I can do everything at once no matter where I am.
How does your company make its agents’ jobs easier?
A lot of ways. One of the things we have in each of our offices is a position called an EMC—eMarketing Coordinator. This position provides the opportunity for one or more staff people within the office to be trained to manage the prospecting programs for agents, making sure the agents’ prospecting, emails and marketing pieces are getting out to the marketplace.