• Using social media without a plan. Many professionals have discovered that delivering consumer-friendly, useful content through social media is an effective means of attracting followers and cultivating prospects. However, one of the biggest problems with how businesses use social media is that they post a lot of high level, one-way communication with no call to action. Having a call to action in your posts that leads prospects back to a website designed to capture leads is critical for producing tangible results through social media.
A lot of these issues stem from a common problem: businesses focusing only on the hottest leads—the people who are ready to buy today, Stuerke says.
“Instead of allowing those ‘cooler’ leads to fall by the wayside, businesses should capture and cultivate them,” he says. “Eventually, they’ll find that instead of constantly chasing leads, they’re harvesting new clients.”
Brandon Stuerke is a business coach and marketing strategist, specializing in innovative new tools that save professionals time while building their practices.