Then there are Pinned posts, which are important posts that you have chosen to display prominently at the top of your page for a period of seven days. These appear on the timeline and have a flag in its top-right corner to attract people to them.
Share and Share Alike
One of the keys to success for any broker is to grow your network and the best way to accomplish that on Facebook is through shares and likes. Google rewards Facebook pages that are well connected, so the more likes and shares you get, the higher your page will be ranked. Videos are shared on Facebook 12 times more than text posts and links combined, while photos are shared even more.
Ninety percent of Facebook users only see the content that shows up in their news feeds, making visual storytelling crucial to securing additional message amplification from fan shares.
Creating photo albums is vital. This seems like a simple thing to do, but many times people forget to upload their photos and the images just waste away on a camera or cell phone. You should look to add new photo albums every month and then sit back and watch as the shares and likes abound.
You can further maximize Facebook shares by using Photoshop or photo editing sites to transform your photos into a branded viral message, or photo memes. Popular photo tools include: