a) Piktochart: Allows non-designers to easily create infographics that are personalized for his or her individual needs.
b) PicMonkey: A photo editor with collage, touch up, teeth whiten, fonts, effects, filters, frames, stickers and more.
c) PicFx: Provides over 100 effects, textures and frames to heighten any photo.
You probably won’t go viral with one of your posts, but as long as you have your photos telling the story you want to express, there’s a good chance that they will at least reach everyone who is interested in buying or selling a home in your neighborhood. That’s visual storytelling at its best. Follow Homes.com’s Facebook Pages (consumer Page and Page for real estate pros) for inspirational visuals that keep our audiences engaged.
Erica Campbell Byrum is the Director of Social Media for Homes.com and ForRent.com.