In my office, I have a quote from Michelangelo, “Ancora imparo,” which translates to, “I am still learning.” Regardless of how much knowledge and experience you have, or think you have, there is still more to learn. Learning is essential for growth, and growth is critical to success. After all, if you don’t grow, how can you expect to push beyond what you think you’re capable of and reach your true potential?
The most successful people have three things in common: a positive attitude, the drive to succeed and the habits in place to help them reach their goals. One of my mentors, Jim Rohn, said if you work harder on your business than you do on your job, you’ll go from making a living to making a fortune.
Rethink Your Mindset
If you want to think positively, you have to put the good stuff in. It’s easy to get caught up in negativity—if you surround yourself with negative people and zone out watching reality shows every night, it’s sure to have an impact on your thinking. However, if you change the way you think, you’ll change how you live. Start filling your mind with positive and inspirational books, podcasts, music and movies, and begin seeking out positive people. Before long, your outlook will change. You’ll find that you no longer see problems; you see opportunities to learn and grow.
Get Motivated
Motivation is what helps you stay focused on your journey to achieving success. However, it’s hard to maintain your motivation over the long-term. Zig Ziglar famously said, “People often say that motivation doesn’t last. Well, neither does bathing—that’s why we recommend it daily.” When you wake up in the morning, what motivates you to get out of bed and conquer your day? Some people have a mantra or post an inspirational quote where they can see it; others start the day reading affirmations or reviewing their goals. Whatever it is, find what motivates you and make time to do it daily.
Adopt the Right Habits
Your habits are a reflection of who you are and what you value. If you spend your day surfing the Internet, checking the latest sports scores and ducking out for a break every few minutes, it’s clear that you’re not successful. Successful people became that way through hard work and good habits. They time-block their schedules to optimize their time and energy so that the most important tasks are completed while they still have a full tank. They reduce the number of decisions they have to make so that they can focus on the activities that drive their businesses.
Are You Ready to Achieve Success?
We launched my podcast, The Brian Buffini Show, in March to explore what makes people successful. It’s focused on giving listeners the mindsets, motivation and methodologies to achieve success. We always tell our clients to tap into their own business networks to help with their own clients’ needs. In this podcast, I’ll be tapping into my network of successful leaders from across all industries to share their stories and offer listeners their best tips to achieve their goals and live the good life. If you’re a student of success, go to iTunes, Stitcher or Google Play and subscribe for free.
Brian was born and raised in Dublin, Ireland, and immigrated to San Diego in 1986 where he became the classic American rags to riches story. After becoming one of the nation’s top Realtors®, he founded Buffini & Company—an organization dedicated to sharing his powerful lead-generation systems with others. Buffini & Company has trained three million business professionals in 37 countries and currently coaches more than ten thousand business people across North America. For more information visit Buffini & Company.