Are you close to reaching your goals for the year? Whether you maintained your momentum throughout the year or you’re trying to catch up after a setback, you can still get on track to finish the year strong.
While many agents may begin to wind down at this time of the year, the most successful ones keep their eyes on the target. They know the seeds they sow now will grow into the referrals and transactions of next year, so they stay focused on their goals, not only in hopes to reach them, but to set the stage for a great 2017. However, lead generation is only the beginning; there’s more to ending the year on a high note. Follow these tips to help you achieve success.
Focus on lead generation daily. The more clients you connect with, the more opportunities you have to ask for referrals. Dedicate time each and every day to generating leads, whether you call your clients on the phone, write a personal note, or deliver a small token of appreciation. These small gestures will help you create a steady stream of reliable referrals now and well into 2017.
Let excellent service be your calling card. What sets you apart from your competition? It’s your commitment to providing excellent customer service. Your clients are more than a commission check; they’re the people you enjoy helping, whether it’s giving them the name of a reliable plumber or inviting them to lunch to thank them for their business and referrals. When you go the extra mile for your clients, you’ll make them feel important. Not only will they enjoy working with you, they’ll want to refer you to their family and friends, as well. Take the opportunity to listen for a need every time you speak with your clients and find a way to meet it.
Reconnect to your system. When you do something consistently, it becomes part of who you are and how you operate. A system can facilitate the process by giving you the steps you need to take in order to connect with your clients, close more deals, and reach your goals. However, a system is only effective if you’re committed to it. It’s not enough to say you adhere to a certain system; your actions have to align with what you say. Fully commit to a system and you’ll never struggle with being consistent again.
Get to a seminar. Many agents are so busy trying to generate leads, close deals, and put out fires that they forget to work on themselves. Growth and development are crucial to success; without them, stagnation sets in and you’ll find yourself barely treading water. Sign up for a workshop or seminar near you this fall. Remember, making time for growth helps you keep your skills sharp and motivation high so you can offer your clients and prospective clients the best of you.
Keep tracking your numbers. Tracking is the best way to know how close you are to reaching your goals. When you note your leads, referrals, closings, and more, you’ll always have your finger on the pulse of your progress. This helps you accelerate when you need to and ease up to catch your breath when you’re ahead of the goal.
There’s still time to reach your goals this year. If you’re on track, keep it up! If you fell behind, focus on trying to meet your goal. Even if you fall short this year, following these tips will build the habits you need to achieve all of your goals next year. Work hard now to reap the benefits of your focus and determination in the new year.
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