Title Resource Group (TRG) has formed a national commercial title services division, TRG Commercial, naming Cheryl Baillis president, the Realogy subsidiary recently announced. The company has also acquired the assets of New York-based EAM Land Services, which it will merge with its Skyline Title to form Pro National Title Agency, LLC, pending regulatory approval. Pro National Title Agency will be helmed by co-CEOs Eric Fein and Chris McKenna, owners of EAM.
“We saw a strategic opportunity to reach across our local operations in 40 markets and align our commercial title operations into one division under Cheryl Baillis’ leadership, while also adding an essential component to our national commercial strategy by acquiring a well-established presence in New York from which to grow our national commercial business,” says Don Casey, president and CEO of TRG. “EAM Land Services is a well-positioned company with strong leaders, and we are proud they will be a catalyst for our new national commercial title services division, TRG Commercial.”
“This is a win-win situation in which all of the parties involved will benefit from the creation of Pro National Title Agency,” says Fein. “As part of TRG Commercial, we will be able to leverage TRG and its national network to help serve our commercial title clients coast to coast.”
“We are pleased to be joining a great team at TRG to form Pro National Title Agency, and use our expertise to help propel TRG Commercial and Skyline’s residential operations forward,” says McKenna. “We are fortunate to have assembled some of the most talented title professionals in the industry to accomplish this goal.”
For more information, please visit www.trgc.com.
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