MLSListings has launched MLS-Touch, an app that brings in-office functions to mobile devices, with Prospects Software, the company recently announced. The app, available on Android and iOS, features a search engine of the entire MLS database, including Active, Pending, Sold and All Listings status. The app also includes “Brand and Share,” which provides real estate professionals their own branded app, instant sales comparables and live market stats.
“We heard from many brokers and agents that mobile apps for real estate are good, but an app with expanded functionality would be great,” says James Harrison, president and CEO of MLSListings. “Charles Drouin and the MLS-Touch team understand that and they have used the input of thousands of brokers and agents from California to Montreal to build their model. They are committed to working with associations and MLSs to create a custom experience. We are proud to offer convenient features to support the more than 15,000 real estate professionals who trust us with their business.”
“In today’s world of information and shared technology, it is vital that real estate professionals be equipped with up-to-the-minute technology that helps them stay ahead of their client’s demands,” says Charles Drouin, founder and CEO of Prospects Software. “MLS-Touch provides powerful, yet extremely easy-to-navigate technology that enhances what they can do while in the field.”
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