zipLogix™ is providing members of the Delaware Association of REALTORS® (DAR) access to zipLogix Digital Ink® and zipForm® Mobile as member benefits, the company recently announced.
“Due to a number of wire fraud incidents that have occurred recently, there’s been a growing level of concern for the safety of personal information being shared online,” says Mark Peterson, chairman of the board at zipLogix. “With our complete suite of secure transaction management technology as a member benefit, DAR members now have the power to protect their clients, transactions and reputation.”
“Since NAR provides zipForm Plus, zipTMS™ and zipVault® as a benefit suite to our members, it made total sense for us to provide zipLogix Digital Ink and zipForm Mobile to enhance that benefit and give them the complete package,” says Anne Rendle, CEO of DAR. “This way, our members will recognize the value of their membership and have the additional tools they need to be highly productive.”
For more information, please contact (866) 627-4729 or
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