As adults, meeting new people and making new friends can be difficult. But what about strengthening the friendships you already have? Between work and family obligations, seeing your friends on a regular basis can be difficult, and snagging more than a monthly 45-minute coffee date can sometimes seem impossible. Below are three tips to deepen the friendships you already have.
- Plan a trip. Does your life seem too busy to carve out quality friend time? Plan an annual trip with a pal you don’t see often. These don’t have to be long, expensive endeavors. A weekend skiing nearby or a long weekend at the beach can really help foster closeness.
- Send snail mail. Take time to write your friend a letter and pop it in the mail – yep, the regular old mail. Getting surprise correspondence means much more in an age where the only “hellos” we receive are via text. This is especially helpful for friends who live far away, but even your pal on the other side of town might like an old-fashioned letter. Your efforts will be appreciated and may even result in incoming mail on your end.
- Include them in something you already do. Do you go to Zumba three times a week? Play golf every other Sunday? Get a monthly manicure? Take your dog to the park twice a week? Including your friends in activities you’re already doing is a surefire way to see more of them, especially if you make these dates a regular thing.
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