What if you experienced an epic response to your marketing message? You know, an abundance of prospects contacting you to serve their real estate needs?
Achieving this goal takes intentional connection.
Instead of sending out massive standard mailings, posting information that gets little or no response or spending too much money on lead generation platforms that show a meager return on the investment, intentional connection is the communication transformation you need.
Being heard in a noisy and fractured marketplace is more challenging than ever. If you’re looking for strategies that guarantee an epic response and high visibility, you need to accelerate the impact from standard to supercharged.
Transforming your marketing doesn’t require fancy platforms, lots of money or hiring a creative team. What it does take is focus on delivering messaging that resonates with what the consumer will find engaging, not what the industry dictates. This strategy isn’t revolutionary, but critical to getting, retaining and engaging the attention of your target market.
Here are a few tips to power up your visibility to help you shine in your marketplace:
Think Relevance – What interests your community is information about them. While it’s important and interesting to learn about what’s happening in one’s marketplace, in order to snag their attention, shoot for hyper-local versus global details. We know that today’s savvy consumer can get whatever they want by searching the net, but when you deliver interesting and specific information that’s pertinent to their area, community or neighborhood, you’re more likely to grab their attention and begin building your brand as their local resource.
Specialize – Expertise is the key to connection, especially for the younger generation of buyers and sellers who have learned to get what they want when they want it. In order to respond to that need, focus on specificities like geographic farming or age demographics. This strategy of narrowcasting versus broadcasting your messaging helps to monitor and measure which of the many communication and marketing channels is working to get the attention and engagement of your target market. One of our most successful agents is laser-focused on marketing and messaging to the seniors in her area. By marketing directly to this specific market segment, she directs her messaging to the value of trading one’s big home for a single-level home, leveraging her services for both buyers and sellers in this vertical. Her marketing includes both traditional and online marketing specifically designed to target this segment of her marketplace, and it’s working like gangbusters.
Coordinate the Messaging With Congruency – Think purposeful posting when it comes to social media. For example, if your goal is to become the celebrity authority in a specific development, be prepared to cover all channels of messaging. Create a lifestyle video for your YouTube channel and cover local events with video and photos. Post regularly on Facebook and Instagram to be present where your tribe may get their information. Integrate this same messaging as the local resource and expert with traditional market updates, interesting facts and upcoming events. Offer a reason for commentary that promotes conversation for higher engagement.
Marketing requires messaging that’s relevant, engaging and valuable. To boost your brand and visibility, start connecting with intention and value to be the rock star of your marketplace.
Terri Murphy is a communication engagement specialist, author, speaker and coach. She is the author/co-author of five books, and founder of MurphyOnRealEstate.com. Contact her at TerriMurphy.com, MurphyOnRealEstate.com or Terri@TerriMurphy.com.
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