Are you hitting your recruiting goals, or struggling, feeling behind and overwhelmed?
Are you like most managers, who set goals and then “hope” people show up to become real estate agents?
Ask yourself: Do I intentionally recruit people to my office with a specific and aggressive action plan?
Perhaps it’s a time management issue—you believe you don’t have time to spend recruiting. Top-line revenue is the fastest way to dramatically grow your operation, and recruiting new and experienced agents are two incredibly effective ways to grow your revenue, marketshare, brand, and so much more!
When recruiting is a laser-focused priority, with an action plan, you will be on your way to wildly successful, on-purpose results. Adopt these proven strategies into your recruiting efforts weekly:
1. Write your own Recruiting Action Plan. What is your goal to recruit new and experienced agents? What is your plan of action to achieve this? Assign yourself deadlines to achieve the tasks so that they get accomplished. Who are you held accountable to for these goals? Do you have a system for tracking your activities?
2. Time-block recruiting into your calendar. Make recruiting a mindset as a scheduled activity in your calendar. If you change it, move it. These are your “money hours,” and nothing interrupts them. This activity must get the attention and time it deserves every time you start. Control your time and remember, recruiting is your income-producing activity.
3. Focus on relationships and appointments. Lead the conversation by asking questions. Don’t just talk for the sake of talking. Ask if they are up this year, converting more online leads, etc. Ask questions so you control the conversation, but also ask questions that create a differentiator to talk about (a marketing tool, program, offering, etc.).
4. Tap into your own sphere for new agents. Connect with your sphere to hire new sales associates. Post on social media and send email campaigns.
5. Adopt a ‘value-driven’ mindset. Communicate your unique value proposition to them as an agent and for their clients. Be specific and clear about how you and your firm will dramatically increase their business and income, and why your company is radically different than other brands. By doing this, you separate your tools and programs from others. Say things like “We have an exclusive program,” or, “We are the only company that offers this,” or, “I know you don’t have this where you currently are, and you are leaving money on the table.”
6. Be passionate and speak with certainty and conviction. Let them know, without any uncertainty, how sure you are that with your partnership and marketing tools, lead generation, etc., they will increase their business and quality of life. Demonstrate other examples of growth you built with other agents, and how you will have an enormous impact on their lives. Quantify the amount that they will increase by. Is it 10-15 more units, and $25,000-$75,000 more income for them?
7. With experienced agents, ask for the appointment, not just lunch. While using a value-driven mindset, it is important to tie down a commitment from them and close them on the opportunity to meet with you. Give them two times to meet with you, and let them pick one: “What is better for you, Thursday at 5 or Saturday at 10?” It will be in your best financial interest. Tell them that you have the ability to increase their business, and that they should at least check out your plan on how you would do that for them.
Want to get a jump-start and accelerate your recruiting efforts? No problem—I want to help you maximize your recruiting starting right now! To receive my free Recruiting Assessment and Recruiting Action Plan Worksheet, click here.
Sherri Johnson is CEO and founder of Sherri Johnson Coaching & Consulting. With 20 years of experience in real estate, Johnson offers coaching, consulting and keynotes, and is a national speaker for the Secrets of Top Selling Agents tour and the Official Real Estate Coach for McKissock Learning and Real Estate Express. She is also an RISMedia 2020 Real Estate Newsmaker as an industry Influencer. Sign up for a free 30-minute coaching strategy session or visit for more information.
Maybe mention that they shouldn’t use text blasts, even if they are personalized, because agents aren’t stupid and who wants to work for someone that will take any breathing agent? And, if an agent asks you to stop texting them, you should remove them from your list rather than harass them to death. I politely ask to be removed, but after a while I give up and block them…hope we don’t ever need to do a transaction together.