Now that we’ve officially entered the last quarter of the year, you’re either ready to slow down, catch your breath and take a break, or you’re feverishly trying to get something to close before the holidays arrive.
Either way, you must understand that leverage is the secret to your continued success. Using leverage to enhance and drive your business forward is a trend in business worldwide.
Direct-selling companies recognize this notion of getting paid off of the work of many, not just their own work, and they leverage the activities that don’t fall within their strengths or that don’t put them in a dollar-productive state.
Can you build leverage into your life and business? Absolutely! If you’re unsure as to where to start, begin by bringing in a transaction coordinator or client care coordinator. Then, as you continue to lead-generate and grow your business, you might add an administrator, a buyer’s agent and other positions to your team. By building out your team and adding leverage, you’ll be able to go home at the end of the day and spend time doing what you love with the people that mean the most to you.
While the concept of adding leverage to your business seems simple, many of us run into issues when it comes to execution. That’s where coaching and accountability—the two most important parts in building leverage—come into play. In order to successfully create leverage within your business, you must learn systems for hiring, systems for following up, systems for firing, systems for lead gen, and so much more. Then, you need someone to run the systems and hold them accountable to ensure they’re doing what they’re designed to do.
Here’s what you need to do right now: Determine which areas of your life would benefit from leverage. Which areas would leverage make better, more enriching, more profitable, or more beneficial to you and your family? Then, reach out, ask for help and guidance and get moving in the direction of putting that leverage in place. This can be anything from hiring a babysitter so that you can go on a date night with your spouse, to hiring a listing specialist to fill out your team, to leveraging the power of your brand and reputation.
If not now, when? If not you, who?
Rick Geha of The Rick Geha Real Estate Team began his real estate career at age 22. Over the past 15 years, he’s led more than 1,000 classes and workshops throughout the U.S. and Canada and has presented keynote addresses to thousands of professionals from all industries and walks of life. Rick is currently a coach with Workman Success Systems. Contact him at For more information, please visit
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