While moms often do the bulk of the childcare and get the bulk of the credit for it, dads deserve their day (or month) in the spotlight as well. If your dad, or your children’s dad is an unsung hero in your home, make sure he knows he’s loved and appreciated for all he does for you. Here are a few options guaranteed to make him smile.
Get him a gift he‘s always wanted. Many fathers pride themselves in providing for their family while holding back from indulging in the things they really want. He’s probably mentioned something before that you know he would love but finds too frivolous to spring for—now’s the time to surprise him with it. He deserves nice things, even if he thinks it’s an unjustifiable expense.
Take him on that vacation he‘s been putting off. For years, he’s been talking about one day going to this particular place, but for one reason or another, it’s never happened. While you might not be able to just have him jump on a plane on Father’s Day, surprise him with the plane tickets in his card. Bonus points if it’s to his hometown or country and he hasn’t been in a while.
Throw a surprise Father‘s Day party. Since Father’s Day is in June, it’s a great time of year to throw a BBQ and invite all your dad friends over. Your dad will love the company of other dads, and appreciate that he gets to celebrate with other fathers who know what it takes to raise a family. He’ll also love the opportunity to show off his grill skills.
Indulge in his hobbies. You may have little interest in fishing or boating or playing golf, but this is the month you’re going to do it just for him. He will appreciate the company, and appreciate that you’re trying even though it’s not something in your comfort zone. And maybe you’ll come out of the experience realizing you have an innate talent for something you otherwise never would have tried.