It’s June, which means you may be wondering where the first half of the year went. It’s easy to stray from the good intentions and New Year’s resolutions, but it’s not too late to get back on track. In fact, we’re using our Buffini & Company real estate coaching programs to teach professionals across North America how to have their best year ever starting right now, today.
To get on track, you’ll need to manage your energy, stay focused and get organized to avoid the pitfalls of overwhelm and burnout. Implementing a system to care for your business and yourself, while serving your clients and closing more deals, is a win-win.
Here are a couple of quick strategies you can implement to help make this your best year ever.
Optimize Your Energy
As a business owner, there’s no greater asset to your business than you and your energy. You need to be mentally clear and physically vital. This starts with input. What are you putting into your mind and body daily? Are you reaching for that donut in a moment of stress, or watching too much late-night TV to avoid thinking about the day? Begin by putting some positive or inspirational books or podcasts into your daily routine. This will help you stay mentally and emotionally fit to face the challenges that are sure to come your way. And, of course, it’s always helpful to exercise regularly and eat healthy food to care for your body. This will help you fight off sickness and generally have more energy throughout the day.
Find Your Focus
When we get caught up in our day-to-day demands, from putting out fires to putting on dinner, it can be easy to forget why we’re doing it all. The mid-year mark is the perfect time to conduct a check-in. Writing goals and reviewing them regularly is the best way to stay focused on the bigger picture. It’s the “why” behind our efforts. If you haven’t written goals in a while, begin by envisioning your ideal business and life, then write down the goals you’d need to achieve in order to make your vision a reality. Each time you’re feeling frustrated by the little things, review your goals. This practice will not only give you perspective in the moment, it’ll also keep you motivated and focused as you achieve your best year ever.
Get Organized
This one is crucial to productivity. Start by requalifying your list of relationships, or database, so that you’re focusing your time and energy on people you enjoy working with and who send you referrals. Once you’ve prioritized your people, you can prioritize your time. This means getting disciplined with your schedule. Block out time for all your non-negotiable activities and appointments first. Make sure to put lead generation as a top importance every working day. Once you have your most crucial actions accounted for, you can then sprinkle in the rest of your obligations around those “big rocks” in your weekly schedule. This type of priority-based scheduling will ensure that you never lose focus of what activities are key for you to achieve your best year ever.
When you diligently follow these tips, they can have an incredibly powerful effect on your performance and income. For some accountability, consider a business coach to rein you in, so you won’t constantly catch yourself wondering where the time went. A Buffini & Company complimentary coaching session is a great way to get started.
Your best year ever starts today.
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