It’s hard to believe that it’s mid-year already! You’ve done phenomenal work so far, but there’s more to do if you want to stay on track and reach your goals in 2019. Now is the perfect time to review how far you’ve come—and what you still have to do to meet the targets you set at the beginning of the year.
For your review to be really complete and effective, you need two things: knowledge of where the real estate industry is going for the rest of 2019, and someone to hold you accountable as you create and execute your second-half business plan. As the largest real estate coaching and training company in North America, Buffini & Company has a few strategies to help you navigate the next six months with ease.
If You Want to Grow, You’ve Got to Be in the Know
In order to run a well-rounded business, you’ll need to have a grasp of what’s going on in the market. True real estate professional always have a pulse on relevant trends in their market, and they adjust their approach accordingly—all while still practicing the fundamentals of a solid business. At Buffini & Company, we have an entire team dedicated to breaking down industry trends to keep you and your business ahead of the curve. On July 10, I will tap into the most up-to-date research available and share it with you on my free broadcast Bold Predictions: Mid-Year Update. During this highly anticipated industry event, I assess what’s ahead for the next six months and share my insights on the shifts that lie in store so that you can effectively and easily deal with them.
We’re all aware that the real estate industry is currently undergoing a time of intense and rapid change. As an industry professional, you must be ready to deal with these changes to keep moving forward. Understanding where the market is going is the key to being better equipped to adjust your tactics if required—make sure you claim your seat for this free broadcast.
Seek Accountability in Your Journey
After learning what’s around the corner, you need to effectively plan for what you may need to tweak or do differently in order to best handle fluctuations in the marketplace. As you make your plan, find someone to hold you accountable for executing those steps. Real estate agents are busy, making it all too easy to switch on autopilot, drifting through the day-to-day with little to no adjustment or change. When you don’t have someone providing you consistent guidance on the journey, the amount of industry information you have becomes irrelevant when you do not have the systems in place to actively apply what you have learned.
A coach will help you design a business plan and actively challenge you to reach new heights with the plan. I strongly encourage you to seek this accountability in addition to equipping yourself with knowledge to master your craft. For example, at Buffini & Company, our Certified Business Coaches are well-versed in the latest market research shared in Bold Predictions: Mid-Year Update and can use it to guide agents to the top.
There is a final bonus that happens when you gain industry knowledge and accountability: You are immediately set apart from the competition as an expert. Immersing yourself in coaching, training, education and industry information not only helps you understand your field, but it also better serves your clients and demonstrates a true passion for mastering your craft. It’s a win-win!
Sign up for your Complimentary Coaching Session today to learn how this will level up the way you run your business.
Brian Buffini immigrated to San Diego from Ireland in 1986 and became a top-performing REALTOR®. He then founded Buffini & Company to share his powerful lead-generation system. Buffini & Company has trained more than 3 million people in 37 countries and coaches more than 25,000 business pros. Today, Brian’s a New York Times best-selling author and reaches over 12 million listeners a year through The Brian Buffini Show podcast.