Real Estate agents are paid in direct proportion to the skills they present when they are face-to-face and belly-to-belly with people serving (not selling) and coaching (not closing).
Question—when do you want to start being your personal and professional best? Today? Next week? Next year? How about right now? You know, when Walt Disney was looking at his products, his films, his parks, he would always ask, “Can we plus this?” In other words, can we take it to another level? That’s what I hope you’ll ask yourself this week—how can you “plus” your business?
The answer is almost always, become more skillful. People often ask me how long it takes to create (or break) a habit, and the number you’ll hear a lot is 21 days. I disagree though. The science says that it takes 100 days. Why? Because 1 percent of our cells are replaced daily. If every day you worked on improving your skills, then in 100 days those skills would be part of who you are at a cellular level. How crazy awesome is that?
Our goal is to make sure every agent has the skills they need to live the life of their dreams—one totally worth smiling about. We know that skills can make the difference between…
- Getting or losing a listing
- Having a listing and having listing inventory
- Knowing where your next commission is coming from and wondering where you’ll get your next paycheck from
- Reaching a goal and falling short
Skill building is the key and having a resource you can count on to help you build those skills. We hope you’ll think of us as that resource.
What key skills do you need to enter this business with confidence, competence, and sustainability? I would first suggest communication. The better you are at not just talking but listening, the more adept you’ll be at building the kind of relationships that will not only earn you listings and sales, but also customers for life.
Secondly, you’ll need to master a strong listing conversation. Note, I say conversation, not presentation. Because a truly effective listing appointment has to be interactive. Questions, rapport building, solution finding—looking for what their next level is so that you can coach them on how to best achieve it.
Thirdly, you need to commit to mastering prospecting skills. Once you are confident in your listing conversation—and you’ve practiced and gotten a few (hundred) no’s under your belt—you’ll find this part gets easier over time.
Darryl Davis, bestselling author of “How to Become a Power Agent in Real Estate” and owner of Darryl Davis Seminars, has trained and coached over 100,000 real estate professionals around the globe for more than 27 years. He is the founder of the Next Level® real estate training system, The Power Program®, which has helped agents double their production over their previous year. For more information, and the new agent tools that can help take you to your Next Level®, please contact or visit