As you begin your real estate journey, you will no doubt have breakdowns, missteps or wrong turns. When that happens, you have two choices. You can wallow in what’s wrong or use them to create teachable moments to improve your skills and understanding. What can be a lesson in patience can also be a practice in keeping your sense of humor and finding the silver linings.
Give yourself permission as you’re learning to make mistakes. I can promise you that they are our very best teachers. During some of my keynotes, I talk about this concept of failing first, and I often ask my audience members if any of them are parents. Then I ask what they would do if their toddler were to fall down while learning to walk. Would you berate them or think badly of them? Heck no! They’re just learning! They need a little practice.
Guess what? So do you! It’s all right to fall down a little or stumble. You’ve just got to get back up and keep moving forward.
I can tell you that some of my biggest breakdowns in life, business, my company and with my coaching students have led to some pretty incredible breakthroughs. Like the agent who was about to “hang it up and go back to a real job” who gave it one last push by organizing his time and setting his fear of prospecting aside long enough to make it through the two-week timetable he gave himself. What happened? He got two listings which led to the confidence to stick with it. Once he realized that his comfort zone of waiting for the business to come to him was a breakdown, he made the changes he needed to put himself on a path to success.
I sometimes talk about a time when my son was young, and we had gone to baseball tryouts. It was painful for him and intimidating. There were kids there that looked like they were born and raised on the baseball diamond, and Michael was, well let’s just say, not. He wanted to turn back, to climb right back in the car and head home. But we didn’t. I knew in that moment that if he let fear take the lead, he may just make that a habit that would not serve him. He got up the courage to get into the batting cage and swing. Again and again. At the end of the day, he was proud of himself and, as you can imagine, I was over the moon with pride. By not giving in and sticking to what he knew, he created a breakthrough.
Here’s what I know—if you’re ready to succeed and you’re open minded enough to know that there will be a learning curve, and smart enough to know that you need to be a continuous student in business and in life, you’re going to be just fine. Get the basics down, start learning those skills, find a mentor or coach you can trust, and then keep moving forward.
We’re here to help. Let us know what you need!
Darryl Davis, bestselling author of “How to Become a Power Agent in Real Estate” and owner of Darryl Davis Seminars, has trained and coached over 100,000 real estate professionals around the globe for more than 27 years. He is the founder of the Next Level® real estate training system, The Power Program®, which has helped agents double their production over their previous year. For more information, and the new agent tools that can help take you to your Next Level®, please contact or visit