Before you dive into this real estate game with both feet, let me share a little tip. There are essentially two types of agents out there: marketing agents and selling agents. The marketing agents will out-perform selling agents hands-down because they are using their time and skills more wisely and effectively.
There’s a difference between being a marketing agent and a selling agent—and that difference is a huge differentiator. A selling agent typically takes one house and tries to sell it to many buyers. A marketing agent, however, takes the listing and markets it to all the other selling agents in their area, using every marketing tool available to them. They know that if they can market to and impress even the most cynical of agents, they can get the home sold and get it sold quickly. They’ll use tools like a broker open house, a public open house, smart MLS descriptions, incentives, and more to pique the interest of area agents.
Since I mentioned the MLS, let me also share something extremely important that I want to sink in from the start… that MLS description is your billboard to get the home sold. It’s also a means to define yourself as a careful and measured professional in a time when our industry certainly needs more of that. With so many disruptors and discount offerings in our market, our value as licensed real estate professionals and members of the National Association of REALTORS® is being challenged. That’s why it’s more important than ever to dot your “i’s” and cross your “t’s” in everything you do.
Regardless of your experience level, putting in the extra effort here will help you stand out from competitors with even many more years in the business. I’ve seen really sloppy work. Typos, misinformation, misleading information, lack of photos or terrible photos—you name it. When you’re entering listings, be thoughtful in your descriptions, accurate in your information and compelling with your words. How you communicate and market your listing projects your professionalism, thoroughness and commitment to the fiduciary responsibility you’ve agreed to when those sellers sign the listing agreement. Be your best.
When you do? People will take notice. Your listing will shine amongst its competitors in the system and selling agents will want to line up their buyers to see it. That’s a big part of why it’s so crucial to be a marketing agent. Who’s more likely to get that home sold? One agent focused on finding buyers themselves or a whole MLS full of agents with buyers of their own who will seize on a good opportunity when it presents itself? You know the answer. Be a marketing agent!
We’re here to help! Contact us if you need anything!
Darryl Davis, bestselling author of “How to Become a Power Agent in Real Estate” and owner of Darryl Davis Seminars, has trained and coached over 100,000 real estate professionals around the globe for more than 27 years. He is the founder of the Next Level® real estate training system, The Power Program®, which has helped agents double their production over their previous year. For more information, and the new agent tools that can help take you to your Next Level®, please contact or visit