Form New Habits Now to Achieve Your Goals for 2020
You are two weeks into the new year. Have you reached your 2020 goals yet?
If you are like most people, the answer is probably no. (If it is already a yes…wow and congratulations!)
A more appropriate question, however, might be this: Have you started doing new things consistently this year in order to purposefully reach your new goals?
While the answer to this is hopefully yes, if not, a great way to get going is by using a 21-day challenge to form new habits. This is a simple, time-tested method to make a new activity a regular part of your ongoing business activities. Here’s what to do:
First, look at the goals that you’ve set for the upcoming year. If you haven’t finished them yet, pick a volume or units goal.
Next, pick one activity that you can do on a daily basis in order to achieve that goal. Your goal may make that activity choice obvious—for instance, if your goal is to contact all your past clients and ask for referrals, you can start by calling a certain number of clients per day. If the exact activity is not obvious, such as a volume or units goal, then choose a daily activity that you think will help achieve it (calling FSBOs, calling expireds, etc.).
Finally—and this is the most important part—do it and track it! Tracking is key to successfully forming your new business habit, so make sure that you do it in a way that works for you. It can be as simple as checking off dates on a paper calendar, or you can set reminders in your phone, time-block on your calendar or talk daily with an accountability partner, such as a team member or a manager. Whatever you choose, set your 21-day activity goal and set up a tracking system, because you must do this every day for the habit to be formed!
The benefits of starting your 21-day habit formation now are twofold: the activity will become easier for you and you will become better at it the more you do it; and you will achieve your goals and see increased production and income throughout this year.
Start doing the things you need to do to make this your best year ever. I would love to hear your results both during and after your 21-day initial effort!
Give yourself the gift of coaching! Sign up in January with Sherri Johnson Coaching & Consulting and receive 50 percent off your first month of coaching and have your best year ever!Â
Sherri Johnson is CEO and founder of Sherri Johnson Coaching & Consulting. With 20 years of experience in real estate, Johnson offers coaching, consulting and keynotes, and is a national speaker for the Secrets of Top Selling Agents tour and the Official Real Estate Coach for McKissock Learning and Real Estate Express. Sign up for a free 30-minute coaching strategy session or visit for more information.