Welcome to 2020! At Workman Success, our theme for the year is clarity. To some, clarity means looking back at your past successes or failures to better understand them (after all, hindsight is 20/20). To others, it means knowing what you want for the future.
To us, it’s a combination of both.
Many brokers and teams set goals based on past performance. Others set crazy, wild goals just because it pushes them, but they don’t have a plan to get there. Having a vision is very different than having and creating a clear vision.
When my eyesight started to get a little fuzzy, I absolutely hated not being able to read the small text on my phone, see the fine print on the side of a package or work on my laptop, so I started buying reading glasses. I kept a pair in every drawer, by each TV, and in my travel bag. It got so bad that at one point, I must have had 20 or more pairs of reading glasses. My need for clarity was great, but I did not go to the eye doctor. I felt it was a temporary situation and that if I ate a few more carrots, I might see better.
When my wife finally started hiding my reading glasses, I went to the eye doctor. He put temporary lenses in the eye-testing device, and all of a sudden, I had clarity. When I got my prescription lenses, I could finally see in the distance, distinguish the leaves on the trees and read the small text on my phone without squinting. This one simple tool changed the way I viewed the world and gave me crystal-clear 20/20 vision. While I had vision before, with glasses, I now had a clear vision.
We gain clarity in our mission, our vision and our goals when we put a magnifying glass on our current situation to determine what we’re doing well, what areas need improvement, and where we need to grow. When you’re willing to be vulnerable and admit that you can’t see clearly on your own, you open yourself up for a prescription for success. A good coach can look at your business from a different perspective and help you see where you can and should improve. The areas we focus on to make sure we know where to start are as follows:
- Operational Excellence
We use a tool called the AMP Scorecard to score each of our systems. If you’d like a copy, send an email to RIS@workmansuccess.comand I’d be happy to share this tool with you.
- Roles and Responsibilities
Each position needs more than a job description. They need a clear definition of their function on the team and how they will measure a win at the end of each day.
- Goals
Every team member needs specific, clearly defined goals and objectives that can be measured and broken down into daily activities.
- Four Pillars of Income
You need to specify four areas of your business that can each generate 100 percent of your income goal.
Verl Workman is the founder and CEO of Workman Success Systems (385-282-7112), an international speaking, consulting and coaching company that specializes in performance coaching and building successful power agents and teams. Contact him at Verl@WorkmanSuccessSystems.com. For more information, please visit www.WorkmanSuccess.com.