Success in this business means finding a track—and sticking to it. It also means being flexible and agile about your strategies. Here are six powerful steps to start or restart your momentum:
- Get crystal clear on your commitment.Know what your goals are and be solid in your commitment to those goals. Goals inspire action.
- Use motivational charts and tools to help you stay in line with those goals.My coaching members use vision boards, dot boards and listing inventory charts. These tools are awesome for staying on track and motivated to hit your goals!
- Connect with people you can learn from.It’s just smart business to connect with other agents and brokers so that you can learn the business strategies and skills that empower them to be successful.
- Know your market.When I was a newer agent, I would actually spend a great deal of time viewing properties and researching my market so that I was proficient and knowledgeable. I’d actually make notes on each property so that I made myself an expert.
- Master your listing conversation.When you are masterful in your presentation, know your business and have practiced your listing skills, you feel more confident, competent and motivated to do the things you need to do to generate now business. I’m a big fan of old-school listing books. They provide a great visual for agents to best communicate with sellers.
- Prospect, prospect, prospect!Make a commitment to yourself, your business and your future that you will prospect at specific times each week. As someone getting started or restarted, I would recommend at least three days per week for at least an hour to two hours per day. I often say that new agents should NOT take out a single buyer until they have six listings. Why? Because given the choice between building your business the right way—prospecting to build your “shoe store” or listing inventory—or taking out a buyer, agents will choose to take out a buyer almost 100 percent of the time. When they do, however, they delay mastering the skill of prospecting for listings, which is the lifeblood of any top producer’s business.
Putting these strategies in place will help you put yourself on the right path to success sooner, rather than later. Commit to your success, and ask if you need help! We’re here to serve!
Darryl Davis, bestselling author of “How to Become a Power Agent in Real Estate” and owner of Darryl Davis Seminars, has trained and coached over 100,000 real estate professionals around the globe for more than 27 years. He is the founder of the Next Level® real estate training system, The Power Program®, which has helped agents double their production over their previous year. For more information, and the new agent tools that can help take you to your Next Level®, please contact or visit