As backyard season kicks into high gear, you’ll need to have the right equipment on hand to create and maintain a healthy and inviting outdoor space. Here are some steps to follow to make sure your outdoor gear is ready to go:
Refresh Your Knowledge
Read your equipment owner’s manuals and follow all manufacturer’s guidelines. Save a digital copy for future reference.
Look Over Equipment
Lots can happen when equipment is left in a garage or storage shed for an extended period of time. Check the air filter, oil level and gasoline tank, and look out for loose belts and missing or damaged parts.
Protect Your Power
Use only E10 or less fuel in gasoline-powered outdoor power equipment. Most manufacturers recommend a fuel stabilizer be used, especially if you don’t use up all the fuel in the tank right away.
Store Fuel Safely
Label fuel cans with the date of purchase and ethanol content of the fuel. Always store fuel out of the reach of children or pets and in approved containers.
Tidy Up
Clean equipment will run more efficiently and last longer, so take care of it regularly by removing dirt, oil and grass, and store it in a dry place. Never store equipment in a place that is damp or wet.