If your job requires travel, you may find yourself spending a lot of time on airplanes and in hotels. With the constant change of scenery and constant movement, getting the rest you need isn’t always easy. With these tips, any busy business traveler can improve their sleep while traveling and stick to their regular routine.
Prepare a Smart Schedule
Creating a well thought out itinerary, even for short trips, is the best way to start out a business trip. Book flights at times you would normally be sleeping, especially if you are a good airplane sleeper. Otherwise, book for the day before, if possible, to give your body and mind time to rest and reset. Plan out what and where you may eat to not waste time or fall back on fast food that will keep you up throughout the night.
Sleep on Your Flight
Try to get as much sleep on the plane ride as possible. The more you sleep here, the better rested you will be for meetings. This is especially helpful when you fly a red-eye or have a longer flight. Not everyone finds it easy to sleep on an airplane, however. Try natural remedies, a sleep mask or headphones to help relax your mind for a full rest. Even if it’s only resting, your body will thank you.
Eat a Healthy Diet
It’s important to keep your diet healthy while traveling. Though this may seem hard to do, especially when you’re surrounded by airport restaurants and snack shops or opting for room service at your hotel or a quick fast food stop. The healthier the food you put into your body, the better you can rest when it comes time for bed.
Unplug and Wind Down
When you aren’t sleeping in your own bed, it’s easy to distract yourself with your phone. The end of each day is prime time to unplug from technology, social media and email to unwind from a long flight or meetings. With less distraction and reducing screen time can significantly improve your sleep, even when you aren’t traveling.
Traveling will find a way to mess with your daily routine, including the time your mind and body needs for rest. So, the next time you’re sent away on business, remember to follow these tips to help you keep your sleep schedule on track.