We all know that you can usually find a leprechaun and his pot of gold at the end of a rainbow. Unfortunately, we don’t have all day to chase these magical creatures. Lucky for you, there’s an easier way! Get your kiddos’ creative juices flowing with this fun St. Patrick’s Day activity. Follow these tips to build your own leprechaun trap.
Something to Hold Them
Leprechauns are notoriously crafty, which makes them nearly impossible to catch. It’s up to you to figure out the best way to keep them from escaping! Use materials from around your house, like boxes, containers, paper towel rolls, jars or anything that might keep them contained!
Something to Lure Them
Leprechauns are greedy little goons! They’re always on the hunt for more gold. Fill your trap with gold coins, Lucky Charms, candy and all things green to trick your leprechaun into entering your trap.
Something to Get Them Inside
It should be much easier for our little friends to get in than for them to get out. Create a small ladder out of toothpicks to give these crafty fellows a boost. Carve a little door out of the front of the box for easy access to your bait.
Something to Trap Them
Once they’re inside, you need to make it impossible for them to escape! Create a trap door that closes with the pull of a string. Prop the lid of the box up just right so it falls when they take a wrong step.
Something to Spruce It Up!
Put your designer skills to work! Decorate your trap with all things St. Patrick’s Day. Paint your box green. Cover it with glitter and gold. Cut out shamrocks and paste them all over.
Your traps are complete! Set them up and lay them out around the house the night of March 16. If you follow these steps, you’re sure to wake up on St. Patrick’s Day to a fun surprise from our lucky little pals.