Overwatering; underwatering; not enough or too much sunlight. There are about as many ways to kill off your houseplants as there are on the fingers on both hands, especially for first-time plant parents. Here are some simple tips, tricks and rules to keep your houseplants thriving.
- Get Your Hands Dirty – When it comes to watering, stick a finger about an inch down into the houseplant’s soil. If it’s moist, don’t water. If it’s dry, add water. If you’re not entirely sure, wait a day or two and try again.
- Use a Humidifier – If you have several potted plants, especially moisture-loving species, like a baby rubber plant, use a humidifier, especially during cold, dry weather when heating systems pull moisture from the soil.Â
- Save Cooking Water – If you are boiling eggs or steaming vegetables, save and cool the cooking water. It has calcium and/or other nutrients that can do wonders to improve the health of your houseplants.
- Hang When Watering – Hanging plants can hang in the shower when it’s time to water them. Let them hang until no more water drips. They hang them back in their usual spots.
- Re-Pot Flagging Houseplants – A dying houseplant you’ve had for a while may simply have outgrown the pot, cramping or tangling the roots and making it more difficult for water and nutrients to be absorbed. If that seems to be the case, re-pot it into a larger vessel.
- Try Pistachio Shells – Before repotting, crush some pistachio nut shells, soak them overnight in water and use them to line the bottom of the pot. Then fill with soil and pot as usual. The nut shells can help keep the soil from drying out.Â