Nobody wants to spend all day sniffling! While over the counter medication is always a great way to combat seasonal allergies, it never hurts to have another option. Try out these affordable, at-home tips and tricks to alleviate your allergies.
Whether you use candies or essential oils, peppermint is a natural anti-inflammatory. It also helps to combat any nausea you might experience.
Sinus Massages
Sinus massages are a fantastic way to reduce congestion and alleviate sinus pain. Take your index fingers and place them on either side of your nose between the corners of your eyes and your nasal bone. Press firmly for fifteen seconds, then swipe down. Repeat three to four times.
Change How You Sleep
If you are experiencing severe congestion, you can prop your upper back up on pillows. This reduces the pressure from congestion and helps keep your breathing consistent throughout the night.
Not only does lavender act as a fantastic anti-inflammatory, it smells delightful. Its relaxing properties are perfect to help alleviate allergy symptoms. Diffuse oil while you sleep or dab onto your neck and the insides of your wrists.
Hot Showers
Treat yourself to a nice, steamy shower. The hot steam from the shower will help relieve congestion while simultaneously relaxing your whole body.
Local Honey
A little sweetness never hurt anybody! Right before allergy season picks up, try eating local honey to increase your resistance to local pollens that often cause allergies.
Air Purifiers
Invest in an air purifier for your home! Air purifiers eliminate allergens, mold, pollens and more. This is an easy addition to your home that will help clear your head and your sinuses!